The new management platform for commercial sites
blis-online stands for “Business Location Information System” and offers a modular system for marketing, monitoring and managing commercial sites and real estate.
blis-online’s attractive appearance conceals a powerful and comprehensive planning and management tool-box for both, business promoters and planners. Over 300 German and international clients benefited so far from blis-online’s innovative approach.
Facing today’scomplex challenges of commercial site development, blis-online provides the following added values:
- Plot-based presentation (map and criteria-oriented)
- Site balance sheets on demand (e.g. current, short-term and mid-term available plots)
- screening of new potential sites
- support in reusing brownfields
- monitoring of sales and enquiries
- overview of settled businesses and regional clusters
- prognoses and demand assessments as a basis for regional spatial planning
- internal CRM-system of potential investors and businesses
- automatic reminder function
- commercial real estate management and (on request) cooperation with real estate agents and commercial real estate portals (e.g. ImmobilienScout24 in Germany)
- online interfaces to local, regional and national government portals
- standardized interfaces to (geo)information of a wide variety of governmental and commercial sources
- App for mobile devices
blis-online is modern, cloud-based, modular, flexible, easy to personalize and integrate and immediately ready-to-use.
Our ‘data-at-the-source’ approach avoids parallel and isolated structures as well as multiple duplications. For the client this means a truly cost-efficient and integrated solution.

Role model for a regional business portal created via blis-online (including regional and municipal subsidiaries) gisTRA® – Gewerbeflächen-Informationssystem der Technologieregion Aachen (

„The Locator “ is the first comprehensive cross-border location information system in Europe. It was developed as part of an INTERREG project and combines two GeoDok platforms, namely gisTRA® on the German and REBIS on the Dutch side of the joint national border, as well as two other regional systems from Belgium.

From project to product: Many modules from The Locator have already been incorporated into blis-online (
The images show two marketing of views: the search for industrial sites and company informations.